Business Branding with Chrome Extensions –

Business Branding with Chrome Extensions –

Brand your business with a custom made Chrome Extension

We’ve all used Chrome Extensions

To do keyword research

to check out competitors

to be more productive

So why didn’t we create our own?

We were fooled into thinking it was difficult

That it required programming skills


Did you know a Chrome Extension can rank on page one?

That means forcing down some of the competition

Pushing down negative info


What would YOUR Extension do?

Well, the clever answer is, it would rank.

What functions would it have?

To be honest, it can be a brochure linking to whatever properties you wish

It need not have any function more than informing searchers and taking up a front page slot on Google

Order To Get Started On Having Your Own Google Chrome Extension

Limited signup only

Branding with Chrome Extensions
Branding with Chrome Extensions

Joe Batiste

Joe hails from central Ohio, where he covered Education and Neighborhood news for the Columbus Dispatch. Joe has two teen daughters and enjoys the independent music scene in Greensboro.