Greensboro awarded nearly $9 million in emergency rental assistance amid pandemic

The City of Greensboro has received millions of dollars to go toward rental assistance, according to an announcement Tuesday afternoon.
The City of Greensboro has been awarded $8,949,177.90 in Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program funds for eligible households struggling financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
City staff applied to the US Department of Treasury for the financial assistance, which will be used for rent, utilities and other related housing expenses, and was recently notified its application was approved.
The nearly $9 million earmarked for the City is from the new $25 billion Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program that was established by the US Congress when it passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 in December.
City Council will vote to adopt acceptance of the funds during its February 2 meeting. Meanwhile, Neighborhood Development Department staff is putting together a Request for Qualifications for experienced community partners to apply as program administrators for processing applications for assistance and providing the funding.
The City will announce details of the program and its application process when they are established. Questions? Call the City’s Contact Center at 336-373-CITY (2489).