Guilford County Offers Emergency Rental And Utilities Help 2024

There have been a host of COVID-19 relief programs from the Guilford County Board of Commissioners over the last 11 months meant to help everyone from struggling small businesses to parents who need child care assistance.
Starting on Monday, Feb. 8, the county will begin a new program meant to help people and families who can’t pay their rent or their utility bills.
In January, the US Department of the Treasury initiated a national $25-billion Emergency Rental Assistance Program that’s providing over $7 million for this purpose to Guilford County government. (In a separate allocation of funds, the treasury department also provided nearly $9 million to the City of Greensboro for the same purpose.)
The Guilford County Board of Commissioners has approved allocating another $747,000 in other money to its emergency rental and utilities assistance program – which brings the county’s total to about $8 million.
The Guilford County commissioners addressed the matter at the board’s Thursday, Feb. 4 meeting, and there was quite a bit of discussion over whether the money could go toward helping those who were behind on their mortgage payments as well as those who were behind on their rent. There are some complicated tax and legal issues that kept the county from using the funds to help those behind on their mortgages – however, anyone in dire economic straights can apply for the utility help, and county staff said that the county has other programs in effect that may help those who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments.
Guilford County will launch its new rent and utility assistance program via an online application process starting Monday, Feb. 8 at 9 a.m.
The county’s allotment of money will be used to support residents who live in Guilford County including those who live in High Point and in the smaller cities.
While residents of the City of Greensboro aren’t eligible to receive funds from Guilford County’s program, they may be eligible for services from the city’s allotment when that Greensboro program is up and running.
For Guilford County’s program, eligibility will be determined by household income as well as other factors such as an ability to “demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.”
A complete list of eligibility criteria – as well as all the documentation needed to apply – can be found at Guilford County’s website at
Starting Monday morning at 9 a.m., residents can apply through that website for the rent and utility help.
Anyone living inside the City of Greensboro can find more information on the city’s similar program at