Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro celebrates its newest homeowner

On Tuesday, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro celebrated the American dream of homeownership as an enduring belated birthday present in a special dedication of a condominium.
A second generation Habitat homeowner, Tarikah Etheridge, 28, is one of the youngest single persons to qualify for homeownership, which means she is gainfully employed and meets all the rigorous requirements of Habitat for Humanity.
“I would like to thank Habitat for everything they have done for me,” Etheridge told WXII 12 News. “Thank them for even considering me getting a home from them during the pandemic. It’s just a blessing.”
“Tarikah has worked side-by-side with dedicated professionals and volunteers to build safe, affordable housing in other areas, an important qualifying responsibility, which sets an important example to her and community,” said Habitat Greensboro President and Chief Executive Officer David Kolosieke. “The other significant benefit of her new home is she has a mortgage and is building equity in a home that is hers, generating property taxes to fund city, county services, infrastructure and public schools.”
Kolosieke said he hopes her success inspires others in the community to pursue their dreams.
Etheridge officially moves in to her new condo at the end of February.
Since 1987, Habitat Greensboro has served more than 500 families in Greensboro. In addition to the homeowners served locally, Habitat Greensboro provides funding to its affiliates in Honduras and Jordan, where the organization has helped build nearly 500 homes.
Source: wxii12.com